C Language Java JavaScript TypeScript
HTML CSS ReactJS Tailwind CSS
Bootstrap MUI AceternityUI NextUI Framer Motion
NodeJS ExpressJS MongoDB REST API Firebase
Git GitHUB VS Code Vercel Netlify
As a Frontend Developer, I create engaging and user-friendly interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My expertise includes building responsive designs and optimizing web performance, to deliver seamless user experiences.
In Backend Development, I focus on creating robust server-side applications using technologies such as Node.js, Express, and Databases like MongoDB. I design and implement APIs, manage server configurations, and ensure the security and efficiency of web applications.
With a strong foundation in Java programming, I wrote effective code for the solution. My experience includes Object-Oriented Design, Data Structures, and Algorithms, enabling me to build scalable and maintainable software solutions.
@ SVIT, Vasad
2021 - 2025
@ The Ambika Highschool, Gadat
2019 - 2021
@ The Ambika Highschool, Gadat
2018 - 2019